Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, is a pleasant city with a population of 4,009 people and eleven constituent neighborhoods. This town is the 244th largest city in Michigan.
Bloomfield Hills is a white-collar city, which has 94.33% workforce employed in white-collar jobs. This percentage is even higher than the national average. You can find people working in almost every type of faculty, from medicine to technology to education and home maintenance. Moreover, most of the citizens are associated with the management occupations (20.28%), sales jobs (10.98%), and healthcare (12.91%).
Do you know that Bloomfield Hills is the home of artists? The city has more artists, designers, and workforce in media than 90% of the places in America. This love towards art is helping to shape Bloomfield Hills’s character.
The city has some lavish and beautiful houses. Also, the town is home to the best public schools in Michigan.
Education and Public Schools in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
The folks of the town consider education as a top priority. Almost 44% of the population has a master’s or higher degree. Moreover, 26% of the people of the town have a bachelor’s degree, and 15% of the residents have studied until the college level.
Moreover, people obtain a bachelor’s degree in various faculties in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, but the most popular one is business. The reason behind the culture of education in the town is because of its best public schools. The city has some education institutions which are ranked highest in the list of best institutions of Michigan. Some of the schools are:
International Academy
International Academy tops the list of the best public high schools in Michigan. This school has 1,371 students in grades 9 to12 and has a student-teacher ratio of 108 to 1. You can find this amazing school in East Square Lake, Bloomfield Hills.
East Hills Middle School
You can find this school in Kensington Rd, Bloomfield Hills. It is a popular school and ranked sixteenth in the best public middle schools in Michigan. It has almost 582 students studying in grades 4 to 8, with a student-teacher ratio of 14 to 1.
Bloomfield Hills High School
This high school is on the Andover Rd, Bloomfield Hills, and it stands at the eighteenth position in the list of best public high schools in Michigan. This school has 1,699 students in grades 9 to 12 with a student-teacher ratio of 17 to 1.
Other Popular Schools
There is a variety of schools present in the different neighborhoods of the city. Way Elementary School, Bloomfield Hills Middle School, and Eastover Elementary School are some of the top institutions in Michigan.
Real Estate And Neighborhood In Bloomfield Hills
This beautiful city is a place of the most expensive homes in Michigan. Not only this, but it also comes consistently in the most expensive real estate in America. Bloomfield Hills is home to most appealing homes in the state, which cost a hefty amount to its buyers.
The city has approximately 1,570 homes and apartments. It has a homeownership rate of a whopping 90%. Only 9.7% of the population is living in rented properties. Moreover, the homes in most neighborhoods are old, and only 5.8% of the homes were built after the year 2000. Most of the houses in the town are huge, and around 42.9% of houses have four or more bedrooms.
Home Value
The average home value is around $856, 700. Moreover, 59% of the homes in the city cost more than $750K. However, approximately 90.3% population of the city are living in their own homes. This is because Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, serves its folks with great facilities and opens ways for employment.
Moreover, the maximum cost of 40.4% of homes in the town is more than $1,137,000, whereas the lowest cost of homes is approximately $57,000. But only 0.5% of households are available at this low cost.
Rent Of Houses
The average house rent in Bloomfield Hills is $1,846. However, 36% of the rentals have to pay $2,000 monthly. The value of the lease of the town is also higher than the other cities of Michigan.
As you have learned, the majority of the people in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, live in their own homes, which is why only 9.7% of the population is spending their lives in rent houses.
Neighborhoods In Bloomfield Hills
You can find the community of the city based on expensive apartments and homes. Moreover, Bloomfield Hills has the most expensive areas in America. Some of them are:
City Center / Cranbrook Academy Of Art
This neighborhood’s average real estate price is $1,071,608, which is more costly than 99.7% of the state’s neighborhoods and 95% of the country’s neighborhoods.
Moreover, the median rental prices are around $2,353, which is higher than 98.7% of Michigan’s neighborhoods.
Franklin Rd / Lone Pine Rd
The price of real estate in Franklin Rd/Lone Pine Rd is also quite high, which is around $495,384. This is higher than almost 98% of the neighborhoods in the state and 83.2% of the county’s neighborhoods.
The median rental price is around $1,734, which is more than 93.9% of Michigan’s neighborhoods.
Other Neighborhoods
Almost all the neighborhoods of the city have high real estate value than any other place in Michigan. W Long Lake Rd / Echo Rd, Oakhills Dr / W Maple Rd, Lahser Rd / Quarton Rd, Inkster Rd / N Clunbury Rd, Squirrel Rd / E Square Lake Rd, Franklin Rd / Lone Pine Rd, and Charing Cross are the most expensive neighborhoods you can find in Bloomfield Hills.
Bottom Line
The citizens of Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, are happy with their lives. They have all kinds of facilities, from education to employment. This town also provides various opportunities to start your own business. You can also find some attractive places to entertain yourself in Bloomfield Hills. In short, Bloomfield Hills is the best place to live with your family in a peaceful environment.